Steve Franks

Steve Franks

Corporate Strategy | AI Strategy | Startup Strategy

Gensyn Design Logo

Corporate Strategy

I work with Gensyn Design to create strategic plans that companies and nonprofits will execute, not sit on the shelf to gather dust.

Gensyn Design Logo

AI Strategy

I am a member of the Co-Crafted collective, a group of AI experts, advisors, and educators (along with Gensyn Design).

Startup Strategy

Always open to help founders think through getting that new venture started.Read the About Me / Essays / and E-Books sections below to get a feel for my depth of experience.Click through to see how I help Northeast Indiana high school student founders via nonprofit Believe In A Dream.

Essays and Articles

I write essays and articles about Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Substack.

DIY E-Books

I write DIY E-Books for startup founders and product innovators.Be Your Own Startup Coach is available for founders in both English and Spanish.Be Your Own Product Innovation Coach is available in English for new product developers.

About Me

A resident of Fort Wayne, Indiana, I have co-founded a co-working space, coached a few thousand startups, started and operated several venture accelerators, managed a grant fund, founded a custom software development company, and helped create breakthrough next generation products as an innovation coach.The icon for this section is a caricature by a talented young artist, Ashton Weir
@ash.art_0303 on Insta).